The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Lesotho, Ms. ‘Mathabo Makenete, officially launched the Lesotho Money Month Campaign 2017 on Monday 02nd October, 2017.
In her remarks, the Deputy Governor said that it was a tradition in the financial sector in Lesotho, that every year, the sector dedicated a week to educate the population about the personal financial issues, through Money Week Campaign.
Finally, she urged members of the public to learn about the reforms that were being implemented by the financial sector as well as other products and services which have been created in the market, to ensure efficiency and effectiveness within the financial sector in Lesotho. Most importantly, she pointed out that they should learn about the available saving, investment and income generating or business opportunities.

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Financial Indicators

26 July 2024

Loti / US Dollar       18.2754
Loti / Euro 19.8333
Loti / Pound 23.5000
Loti / SDR 24.2825


Monthly Inflation (%) 2023 to 2024

Net International Reserves

